Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Devils Angel...

This is a collaborative piece of my poetry, artwork, but Donna Kay's legs. All rights reserved by author/artist, E Stelling 2009. Be advised that if caught stealing any works off of this site or otherwise you will be prosecuted or end up on one of my recipes...

1 comment:

dash deringer said...

I think at one point in our lives we have all used our looks and our charms and yes, our bodies, to get the things that we want. I know I sure as hell have - more so when I was younger and the rent needed to be paid. and many times I have let many a young girl seduce money and gifts out of me with their delicate charms... whether I was already going to give it to them or not... I let them do what they "had" to do... confession does lighten the soul... please don't judge me... like I said - I have done it as well... those are some nice legs by the way.